• FROSIO - a Leading Certifying Body for Surface Treatment & Insulation Inspectors

  • A FROSIO Exam


The guideline defines the quality requirements for companies wanting to be recognized by FROSIO for the execution of corrosion protection processes and corrosion protection work.
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Contact Us

You can visit FROSIO, send us post, give us a call or submit your inquiries using our on line form.

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FROSIO uses an online portal to give the inspectors and operators access to see the registered details about their certificate, be able to send messages about changes of the registered data and submit various types of requests.

Login credentials are given out from the FROSIO portal when the inspector / operator is registered after fulfilling their examination.

News & Announcements

Annual Meeting 2020

This year the FROSIO Annual Meeting is scheduled for April 23, 2020 at our head office in Oslo, Middelthunsgate 27, Majorstuen. Program will be sent to members within deadline.

10-year cooperation in Italy

This November it has been 10 years since our cooperation with Gruppo IspAC as our subcontracted examination body in Italy. The training has been performed by UNIGE in Genova-Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering – DICCA

6th FROSIO International Conference

The 6th FROSIO International Conference was held in Brno, Czech Republic 19-20 September.

Industrial Valve Summit In Bergamo, Italy

Gruppo IspAC, our sub-contracted examination body in Italy, has attended the Industrial Valve Summit, 22 and 23 May 2019 in Bergamo, Italy

PAINT-INSPECTOR.COM – New Training Body Approved

PAINT-INSPECTOR.COM has been approved to conduct FROSIO courses.

ISO 17024 Accredited Since 2003

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Contact Us

Visit / Delivery

Middelthuns gt 27
0368 Oslo

Post Address

P.O. Box 7176 Majorstuen
0307 Oslo


(+47) 477 12 429
(+47) 905 89 901

Switchboard: (+47) 23 08 80 00



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